AIIA Trainings

After conducting a number of training programs for industry professionals of the Center and North regions of Pakistan, AIIA has organized a training program for the Industrial hub of Pakistan; the city of Karachi.

Due to the huge interest of industries in learning Compressed Air Systems, a larger number of participants from more than 15 industries participated in this certificate course.

Participants of Training expressed a very keen interest in learning the mechanism behind operations of Compressors as well as troubleshooting, Transmission of Compressed Air, Compressed Air System Optimization, and had very interactive sessions with expert trainers.

AIIA will continue to arrange such certificate sessions for industries of Karachi and will contribute its best efforts in learning and upskilling industry professionals!

Special Thanks to our sponsors in this session:
Rastgar Air Compressors Sakoon Pneumatics AirPro Technix AirAudit – Pvt Ltd National Textile University Faisalabad